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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dancing For The Kids @ Royal Children's Hospital

A couple of weeks ago, I sent out an email asking for volunteers interested in Dancing For The Kids at Royal Children's Hospital. The feedback was astonishing *gives out karma points in dollops* and Flarians are really very charitable people indeed!

Everyone picked up the dance steps really quickly (see! I told you they were easy!). We had lots of fun going NA NA NA NA NA while interlocking elbows and skipping around as well as being imaginary taxi drivers for the day. :P

It was a warm sunny Saturday, and we met at the tramstop before walking over to Royal Children's Hospital on Flemington Road together. Everyone was clad in a multitude of colours, red, blue, green, yellow with headgears, scarfs, fancy earrings...screaming FUN FUN FUN.

We performed at the Starlight Express Room; a room filled with computer games, a stage, pingpong tables, drawing tables and many many more fun-filled activities for the unwell children to hang out at during their stay at Royal Children's Hospital. It is entirely staffed by volunteers, and there are also Captain Starlight shows directly broadcasted to televisions in all the wards at Royal Children's.

Captain Red, who was in charge for the day, informed us that WE WILL BE BROADCASTED LIVE ON TV TO ALL THE WARDS!!!!!!!

No pressure.

Everyone looking nervous as Captain Red introduced us to the crowd.

We performed 4 songs :
1. Don't Stop by S Club 7
2. Calcutta by Doctor Bombay
3. Upside Down by A Teens
4. Hoedown Throwdown by Miley Cyrus

Having heaps of fun on stage. =)

We only had THREE rehearsals before the performance, and congratulations girls (and guys), it was A JOB WELL DONE! =)

NG strutting his stuff. WE'RE ON TV! I don't know why they thought we were from a dance school though, BUT IT'S AWESOME ALL THE SAME!

There was a little girl, probably 8-9 years old in a wheelchair with lots of supportive equipment, waving her hands in the air while mouthing the lyrics when we performed Hoedown Throwdown...and my heart just melted. ♥


Thank you everyone for volunteering to dance for the kids, I'm sure we put a lot of a smiles on the kids' faces that day, both in the Starlight Express Room and those who had to stay in their beds. Good job!

Because FLARE cares. =)

Captain Red and your Charity Officer signing off!





1 comment:

Beebs said...

aww :) thats awesome Seok! and all you caring Flarians! wheee