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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Welcome to Flare 2009!

HELLO all you dancers, dance enthusiasts, people who just love watching dance, even those who dance in their rooms when no one's watching and some who coincidentally stumbled on this blog?
i'm Ng Bee Bee (this is my real name, i seriously kid u not) and i havent blogged in a while.. let's hope i maintain this blog yea? :D
anyhoo! here on this blog i am going to post awesome latest info about Flare Dance Ensemble, awesome Flare events, awesome links to Flare photos and videos and if i get lonely and bored, i'll talk about random stuff like my feelings.. i bet you guys're praying i dont get lonely and bored. pffft
ooh! i can talk about interesting stuff that happens during rehearsals and events so those new to Flare or those who haven't been in touch can find out what's happening! so cool!! i'm thinking of this on the spot as i write so excuse my enthusiasm :)

2009! New Year, New You!! those from Malaysia might be familiar with this. it's the tagline for Celebrity Fitness for their new year promotion thingy. theyre quite happening now, they have like trampoline classes! hahaha! so fun! im going off topic :(
you know whatd be sad? if no one read this blog. so please bear with me! i promise to make this blog as interesting as possible! hopefully one day i can become famous like Perez Hilton did with his celeb gossip blog. haha nah i dont think so.

Let's talk about MY experience with Flare. this is my second year in Flare and last year was amazing! Juggling both college and Flare wasnt easy at times but all of it was really worth it. i swear i will never ever exchange those moments for the world. 
from Flare Camp to Nightmarket gig to Escapade to the guest performance for Flare Dance Company to Eclipse- every event gave me so many memories and friends for life who share the same passion for dance. awwww :) and tons of photos! for serious the photos are clogging my iPhoto.
let's take a moment to thank our 2008 committee members for helping all of us build such beeeeautiful memories :D
ive an idea! let's list down the pros of joining Flare:
1. Various dance styles to choose from
2. Awesome new friends
3. You learn something new everyday
4. Get to know new songs to dance to or listen to when you're emo
5. Good exercise! Good for muscles, good for brain!
6. Better hand leg coordination?
7. oh! Meet ppl from different countries
8. You never get bored
9. Free full length mirror when you dance in Des Connor, Graham Cornish, MMA. this does not at all indicate that i'm vain
10. find out what're foot thongs
11. experience different cultures! like food
12. discover a hidden talent
13. own a cool Flare hoodie
14. check out the other hot people in Flare
15. better your talent in dance since theyre so many ppl who're there to help you and encourage you and inspire you. 
16. u get to talk more! if u like. but try not to when the Boss and choreographers are trying to tell u something important :)
17. u might meet your soulmate! not that i have, but im sure some have ;) sorry, im a little romantic
18. the word Flare is quite nice. it rolls off your tongue. try saying it now!
19. You never feel alone or outcasted in Flare
20. discounts! free cookie from subway. white macadamia best!

i'll think of more soon :) 
But on behalf of the 2009 committee we thank you for taking interest in us and for those who've done fantastic by joining us, CONGRATULATIONS! on becoming a Flare family member!!
this is quite a long post. but i hope it has helped you understand more about Flare :)

dont forget to check out for rehearsal times. see u guys there!

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