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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ticket Collection for Eclipse 2008!

tickets are all ready for collection from mon 15th sept - fri 19th sept.we will be having table sitting from monday to friday 12-2pm just opposite chill out(where the sta travel and the security office is).so PLEASE come and collect the tickets from mon onwards.

if you really really really cant come for collection,please let me know by email ( so that i'll be able to pass them to your choreographers to give it to you.but as far as possible, please collect the tickets yourselves because you also need to sign them off.

everyone will be given 15tickets(5 tickets each day).

it is $12 for concession and $15 for adult.
on the ticket,there's a box on the right hand corner.READ PROPERLY! if the person you are selling to is an adult,please tick the box before you give them the ticket.ONLY FOR ADULTS!!!

i'm giving you all the whole holidays to sell your by 6th october(monday) that week,i expect everyone to give me back all the unsold tickets as well as money for the sold tickets.we will be having table sitting from uni reopens till come find us.we'll always be at the usual spot 12-2pm.however,if you wish to return the unsold ones and all the money before that,it'll be better.

TAKE NOTE!!! NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO GIVE ME BACK ALL 15 TICKETS!!!!!!! i will not accept that.sorry but everyone has at least 1 friend right? lol do ask them all to come :)

hope you guys are excited bout production and the pieces are all going good.
take care.

Aileen Tan
Ticketing subcommittee

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