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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Royal Children's Hospital Gig.

A bunch of us headed down to Royal Children's Hospital yesterday and today afternoon to perform a short and interactive dance for the kids there.

We danced to songs that we grew up to, lol, well at least for some of us - Bring It All Back, Calcutta (Taxi Driver), Footloose and Upside Down.

We spent hours rehearsing the steps, getting the sequence of steps right, making sure we could dance without the mirrors, etc. And when the time came for us to perform, all the jitters just flew away once we saw the kids.

There were only about 10-14 kids each time we danced. But oh boy, how different it is when they are your audience. Their gleaming eyes never leave you, because they really want to see what's happening on stage.

You see their little faces from the stage, and you try your best to reach out to them and get them to smile. Your own face turns unbelievably smiley, your body language invites them to stand up and dance together with you.

And when they do stand up, extending their little hands to grab yours, that's when your heart melts because you know you've made this child's day. Teaching them simple dance steps, watching them mirror you and seeing them just laughing helplessly cuz they don't think they can do the steps, really the experience is beyond priceless.

We had a segment of 'freestyling' with the kids and there were 2 small boys who could do breakdancing stunts and there was this sweet girl who knew how to spot when I twirled her around. Fantastic, totally awesome.

Do jump at the opportunity of doing a charity performance with Flare.
The bliss of knowing that you made someone's day is really irreplaceable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Susan.

It was awesome to have all of Flare dancers dedication to the practices and at the performance itself.

It was fun teaching all of you, and hope that Flare do more charity works in the future.

Inggrid =)