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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Table Sitting.

Hey people, it's not long before the new semester starts again on 3rd March.
Hope everybody's had a well-deserved rest and a good break before kicking start a brand new semester in the year 2008.

As new beginnings go, we need fresh blood.
There're a lot of people out there who love to dance or who are interested in learning a few dance styles or two. Especially with shows like So You Think You Can Dance hitting the Australian crowd, you'd expect even more enthusiastic people wanting to learn more about dance.

I'm sure we all agree that Flare can give them all that. So let's be there to encourage them to join Flare! We need help with table sitting, people who will be at the Flare table to share their stories with them. They will definitely be attracted when they see a group of like-minded people, all with the same passion for dance.

Clubs & Societies Day(Thu, 28th and Fri, 29th Feb 2008)

Venue: Union Lawn - just look for the Flare table.
Time: Volunteer any time between 12-4pm

First Two Weeks (3 - 14 Mar 2008)

Venue: Union House
Time: 12-2pm

Please inform me at about the time you'll be available to help out. Also, do include your contact number. Looking forward to a smashing Orientation!

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