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Monday, August 20, 2007

Question of The Week

Last week's question:

"What's the first thing you think of when you hear the word 'POISE'?"

Sanitary pads/Adult diapers: 8%
Poisen (RMIT dance group): 25%
An abstract concept like 'grace' and 'style': 50%
Beauty queens/pageants: 8%
None of the above: 8%


This week's question:

The unique thing about Flare is that we're not just dancers, we're also Uni-educated professionals. reality, are/were we really as passionate about studying in the same way we are about dancing?

Thus, an extremely simple question this week: "HAVE YOU EVER FALLEN ASLEEP IN CLASS?"

(Nevermind if you just fell asleep once- you actually fell asleep!)

Vote (honestly!) now in the sidebar poll and let us see how we fare as a group of students!

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