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Saturday, August 11, 2007

OMGoooodnesssSss...MORE CAMP PHOTOS!!

Click --> here <-- for more camp lurveeee...Thanks to Rebecca (Lee) and Jojo! Warning: Over a hundred photos- page might take a while to load! Note there is a "view all" button towards your bottom right where you can view all the photos at once (although I'm told this function doesn't work on all computers- for that, I'm so sorry for your hardship). To access the first album of camp photos, click the album "Flaredance" to bring you to the sub-albums where you can click on "Flare Camp 2007". If you really can't be bothered to sieve through them, just pass Shar your USB drive when you see her at rehearsals and tell her which photos you want! As always, more photos are welcomed at!

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