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Monday, July 30, 2007

Question of The Week

"What did you REALLY do with your fundraising chocolates????"

A. I sold them...what else are you supposed to do?
B. I ate them myself...I'm sorry I have no friends and can't be stuffed
C. My box is still more than half-full and sitting somewhere in my house collecting dust
D. I gave them away...because I'm so kind you know
E. My brother/sister/mother/father/housemate/best friend ate them...these people can be so useful sometimes
F. I sold them all to this one person who keeps stalking me and sending me love letters
G. My dog ate them.
H. Flare needs to stop selling (me) chocolates!

Do leave a comment! (Note: there is no need to post your real name!)


Anonymous said...

Here's the fact: people go " it for charity?" when you try to sell them chocolates and when you go "no, it's for my dance group" their faces scrunch up and they go, "don't you guys make money from your production anyway???" much haggling and defending involved in just selling chocolates...and my friends are all Flarians anyway...who am I going to sell to??? Tragic...

Anonymous said...

Chocolates? we were meant to sell them!??

oh.. they're still under my desk. haha

how much are they worth again? bah.

Anonymous said...

B. I ate them myself...I'm sorry I have no friends and can't be stuffed

D. I gave them away...because I'm so kind you know


H. Flare needs to stop selling (me) chocolates!!!!!

another box coming up, oh boy i'm gonna be f-a-t and my friends will all l-o-v-e me for giving them free chocS!

Anonymous said...

hey.. why don't all the sexy flarians girls do a car wash or something for fundraising instead of chocolates? (maybe for summer)

for winter.....
give massage to ppl after exam or something for 1 dollar 1 minute! wuuuaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.................

the hoyts fundrainsing tickets was great. i bought ten and i finish ite in 1 week. Nah... kidding.. still got 2 left from last semester.

or clean some students house when their parents are coming soon, 50 bux a day...then give the money to flare..cause u can dance while cleaning? (maybe with the vaccum cleaner?--so random right?)


yeah.. any other ideas for fundraising other than chocolates?anyone?

Inggrid =)

joonwin said...

i second Inggrid!
B: one box of chocs, 3 housemates, a projector screen, visitors= money for flare...except visitors have choc to sell too. GET OUT!

Anonymous said...

hahaha i ate most of them (oops) and then gave some away. uh oh. no money already. i just realised how much money i spend on flare every year! gosh. the amount is SHOCKING!

Sharlene said...

Hey...why didn't we do Hoyts fundraising??? That would be a lot easier to sell...

Truth be told, I have a feeling a mutiny will arise if we're made to sell another box of chocolates!!

Ness said...

I do realize the complains that people have with 2 boxes of chocolates, and things have been settled. Sher has done an awesome job with trying to help Flare raise money, and her efforts are praised for.

However, she is just experiencing too much negative vibe that it puts her down. Please when you see her, encourage her and just remind you and yourselves that she has done a tremendous job, one even when it was the holidays she was finding sponsors for us almost every day. Bet we didn't know that huh!

As in regards to the hoyts tickets, she did do that for fundraising, only NO ONE replied. And I do agree with her that since no one replied, that idea had to be scrapped. Many logistics are involved and members are just not co-operating. And it does piss people off when she ordered tickets for those people who wanted them for personal use (not for fundraising) and when others saw, they wanted them too..thing is: they didn't reply to the email! And that just pissed her off, I would too. Wouldn't you?...sigh

I really do appreciate all the feedback, but we have looked into everything, every corner and the only thing that is pulling us back from achieving our goals is response. It sucks. Why can't people reply to our emails at all...I mean, we send emails for a reason to expect relies when we pose questions yes? ... Sigh.

It is de-moralizing for everyone. Words of encouragement is advised to be passed around to those who have put in effort, despite the results...

In light of this comment. I still need to tell everyone that they have done a good job. Cease the day and never regret! Hugs to all :) You all have been awesome helpers in building Flare up. :)

- Ness

Anonymous said...

That's the whole point of why I wanted to put up this blog...FEEDBACK!!! :) Wanted it to be a way for the committee and sub-committee to raise awareness about all their sponsorship, events and table sitting because I, for one, definitely know how nobody replies emails...and that's only because Flare has become such a non-personal thing so no one even I was hoping that with this blog...people could TALKKKK and give opinions...COMMUNICATION, people! :) (p.s Thanks, Ness, for that wonderful insight!)

sereneannabelle said...
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sereneannabelle said...

*cough* Time to defend myself buahaha. i DID reply to flare emails regarding the hoyts tickets coz i thought it was a freaking cool deal and in fact my friends were all very interested to get the tickets. but i guess preparations and coordination with the Hoyts people was a disaster (I spoke to sherleen the other time) and we couldnt get the tickets in time for the...easter holidays i think? so my friends had to give it up. I remember i had to actually COLLECT orders from my friends! wooot! and also...oh man. please don't do the car wash thing. i cant reach the top. HAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

- I opened a "chocolate booth" in the library and sold them to ppl who were there to study...
- I sold them to housemates (I have 22 housemates, mind you)
- I sold them in the tram / bus stops
- I ate them...!
- I sold errrr....8 boxes! =))