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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Question of The Week

Last Week:
The featured picture was that of Steve Bracks who used to be the Victorian premier (he just stepped down a few weeks ago).

76% knew who he was
18% had an inkling but weren't absolutely sure
6% didn't know who the hell he was

If you have never heard of the latest networking craze "FACEBOOK", you must be living under a rock (or I should congratulate you for successfully filtering all those email invitations to your junk folder).

According to an article published in the Sydney Morning Herald on 20 August 2007, so many employees click away on Facebook at work that an internet filtering company estimates the site may be costing Australian businesses $5 billion a year or more!

Love it or hate it, it's a current epidemic that is sweeping the world and you can't run from it! Do YOU have facebook? Let's see how many of us are part of the stats (or one day will be)!


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