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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dancing For The Kids @ Royal Children's Hospital

A couple of weeks ago, I sent out an email asking for volunteers interested in Dancing For The Kids at Royal Children's Hospital. The feedback was astonishing *gives out karma points in dollops* and Flarians are really very charitable people indeed!

Everyone picked up the dance steps really quickly (see! I told you they were easy!). We had lots of fun going NA NA NA NA NA while interlocking elbows and skipping around as well as being imaginary taxi drivers for the day. :P

It was a warm sunny Saturday, and we met at the tramstop before walking over to Royal Children's Hospital on Flemington Road together. Everyone was clad in a multitude of colours, red, blue, green, yellow with headgears, scarfs, fancy earrings...screaming FUN FUN FUN.

We performed at the Starlight Express Room; a room filled with computer games, a stage, pingpong tables, drawing tables and many many more fun-filled activities for the unwell children to hang out at during their stay at Royal Children's Hospital. It is entirely staffed by volunteers, and there are also Captain Starlight shows directly broadcasted to televisions in all the wards at Royal Children's.

Captain Red, who was in charge for the day, informed us that WE WILL BE BROADCASTED LIVE ON TV TO ALL THE WARDS!!!!!!!

No pressure.

Everyone looking nervous as Captain Red introduced us to the crowd.

We performed 4 songs :
1. Don't Stop by S Club 7
2. Calcutta by Doctor Bombay
3. Upside Down by A Teens
4. Hoedown Throwdown by Miley Cyrus

Having heaps of fun on stage. =)

We only had THREE rehearsals before the performance, and congratulations girls (and guys), it was A JOB WELL DONE! =)

NG strutting his stuff. WE'RE ON TV! I don't know why they thought we were from a dance school though, BUT IT'S AWESOME ALL THE SAME!

There was a little girl, probably 8-9 years old in a wheelchair with lots of supportive equipment, waving her hands in the air while mouthing the lyrics when we performed Hoedown Throwdown...and my heart just melted. ♥


Thank you everyone for volunteering to dance for the kids, I'm sure we put a lot of a smiles on the kids' faces that day, both in the Starlight Express Room and those who had to stay in their beds. Good job!

Because FLARE cares. =)

Captain Red and your Charity Officer signing off!





Sunday, March 21, 2010

A post from an old friend :)



v. flared, flar·ing, flares
1. To flame up with a bright, wavering light.
2. To burst into intense, sudden flame.
a. To erupt or intensify suddenly
1. A brief wavering blaze of light.
2. A device that produces a bright light for signaling, illumination, or identification.
3. An outbreak, as of emotion or activity.
4. An expanding or opening outward.
5. An unwanted reflection within an optical system or the resultant fogging of the image.
6. A solar flare.
a. Football A short pass to a back running toward the sideline.
b. Baseball A fly ball hit a short distance into the outfield.
8. A bunch of awesome hot guys and girls bent on creating Melbourne's best dance club!!!

Well, as many of you may know, this is my last semester on exchange in the University of Melbourne. I was very fortunate to be able to be a part of 2009's production, Maelstrom.
I made many new friends doing that, I am sure that Flare will bring joy to its new members as it did to me.

Sadly, I won't be able to be part of Flare this semester (Even as I type, I have 5 pile of A4 papers lined up on my desk).

Nonetheless, the partay in the park was great! It was an afternoon welcome session for all the new members and for the other members to have some fun. The 60 odd people were divided into four groups and were tasked to do some silly things.

When I arrived at University Square, there was this bunch of people doing a serious group hug!
Anyway, when I got there, the groups were tasked with doing funny things like make a human bicycle...

The handle bar..
You can be the pedals...
You know what, bicycles have very uncomfortable seats, not this one!
Head lamps, just in case it gets dark...
Watch the competition on iPhone!
Click here to download this video.

After that, round 2 was a plane competition! The goal was to crash into the other plane and who remained intact wins!

This mini jumbo jet with cock pit and pilot!
This Boeing comes with cushion seats and bow maiden! 8 horse power engines are free too. See the video planes crashing into each other!


Click here to download video.

Check out that extension pack.. on the camera of course.
President of Flare!
What party would it be without food! Pizzas and pop drinks.. the student daily requirement

My couz, Caitlin!
Bee the Pizza girl. Wondering what flavour is the pizza.
Dim sum girl anyone?
Flare is about attitude! They have lookers, thinkers, drinkers and this guy looking rather surprised.
See, I told you I did not need to be deaf to use sign language.
Shiny Pearl.

It pays to be famous.Wondering what
Yusof.Lalalalalallalalalalalallalalalal. Lalas.Our emcee for the day!

Okay, next event after the interval was an impromptu dance choreography. It went with the tune of "I like big butts.."
Award for big butts goes to... Sha!Von vs Loges, she is certainly surprised at the showdown.Shaking butts in the park!He was certainly enjoying it!
Anyway, after a debriefing, we had a group photo!!

Here's to Flare! Wish you all a good year! Gonna miss you guys!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's neither Rain or Shine or HAILSTORM, we will not stop dancing!

Hi Flarians,

As all of you know, last week was our Flare Open Day! It was held at The Space and it was great to see so many new faces as well as familiar ones and watching all the enthusiastic dancers trying out the different styles our creative choreographers have set out for us.

So the 1st dance we've tried out was Su Lynn's pop coyote's!!! It was a really a hot routine! loves!

sexy dancers working it!

booty shake!!!!!! <3>
Afteer that, it was Irvin's hip hop class!

bambambaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam !


After that it was Shermaine's Contemporary class! It was really abstract and if i'm not mistaken, the dance was about fear, and overcoming it (forgive me if im wrong xD) So, as the dancers were getting in the mood of the dance, all of a sudden....

it hailed!

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the dance studio FLOODED!


and then, we were asked to evacuate the dance studio as it was dangerous with the electricity and water running. sob!

dancers all cuddled up on the sidewalk looking for shelter from the rain! eep!


so as the dancers split up to get back home with their own transport (cab,mum,dad,bus) a group of us hopped onto the tram with high hopes that we will get back to the city without fail. Unfortunately, one of the trams broke down and our tram couldn't move on so we have to walk all the way from Albert Park!

look at all the leaves on the ground AND the hail(looks like round ice cubes)!!!!!!!

and that basically sums up on what we did for Flare Open Day.

Despite the fact that we all got home drenched,cold and tired, it was definitely a day to remember! It was an adventure and just by getting through the hail has brought us even closer. New friendships were made and old friendships were strengthened. And besides, it's sort of like a once(well mayb not once but few?) in a life-time experience!!(Imagine saying this to your pals, IVE been through a HAILstorm HAVE U? MUAHAHAHA)It was really unfortunate that we missed out on Jin's Popping and Shermaine's Jazz class as I really was looking forward to it. But don't worry! Stay tuned on flare's rehearsals timetable for more classes! Oh and if you have missed out on the open day there are more things to look forward to this year too such as Welcome Event this Saturday, MUOSS NightMarket, gig performances, annual production and SO MUCH MORE. Its a sign that an exciting year is layed out ahead of us! Can't WAIT! !!!!

Shi Mei
Flare Publicity Officer

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week 2 Rehearsal Schedule

Monday (08.03)
7:00pm-8:00pm Aileen’s Beginner Ballet class (MSCD)
8:00pm-9:00pm Shermaine’s Beginner Lyrical class (MSCD)

8:30pm-9:30pm Jun’s Intermediate LA Hip Hop routine (MSCD)
9:30pm-10:30pm Jun’s Intermediate/adv. Girl’s Hip Hop routine (MSCD)

8:30pm-9:30pm Shermaine’s Intermediate Pop Jazz routine (Passion)
9:30pm-10:30pm Su Lynn’s Intermediate Pop Coyote routine (Passion)

4:00pm-6:00pm Seok's Charity Gig rehearsal (Des Connor)
8:30pm-9:30pm Eric’s Adv. Beginner Pop routine (Passion)
9:30pm-10:30pm Jun’s Beginner LA Hip Hop class (Passion)

11:00am-12:00pm Shawna’s Intermediate Jazz routine (Passion)
12:00pm-13:30pm Shermaine/Daryl’s Adv. Beginner Hip Hop Jazz routine (Passion)
13:30pm-15:00pm Open Breaking Jam Session (Passion)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 1 Rehearsal Schedule

Hey guys! The website's down for the moment, so here's the timetable for this week! See you guys there!

*Update: Website's back up!*

Timetable (Updated 01.03)

Wednesday (03.03)
8:30pm-10:00pm Eric’s Pop routine (MSCD)

Thursday (04.03)
8:30pm-9:30pm Shermaine/Daryl’s Adv. Beginner Hip Hop Jazz routine (Passion)
9:30pm-10:30pm Shermaine’s Intermediate Pop Jazz routine (Passion)

8:30pm-9:30pm Jun’s Intermediate LA Hip Hop routine (Passion)

SaturdayFlare Open Day (06.03)
12:00pm-1:00pm Su Lynn’s Intermediate Girl's Pop Coyote routine (The Space)
1:00pm-2:00pm Irvin’s Beginner Hip Hop class
(The Space)
2:00pm-3:00pm Shermaine’s Beginner Contemporary class (The Space)
3:00pm-4:00pm Jin’s Beginner Popping class (The Space)
4:00pm-5:00pm Shermaine’s Beginner Jazz class (The Space)