Dear Flarians,
Our AGM (annual general meeting) will be held this Thursday 29th of October (Time and Location TBC but it will probably be at 6:00-9:00 in Joe Nap – 2nd Floor of Union House). In this meeting we will discuss any issues raised by members prior to the meeting (see below). We will also vote in next year’s committee who will make decisions on everyone’s behalf as to what direction to take Flare in, so we’d really like as many people as possible to come along and help decide on Flare’s future.
Executive Committee:
Being on the executive committee is a truly rewarding experience and a great way to have a say in the general running of the club so if you have determination, compassion and a love for dance I highly recommend that you consider running.
The positions are as follows:
President: Oversees the running of the club, including liasing with outside persons, overseeing the executive and sub committee, chairing all committee meetings and acting as the producer for the annual production.
Vice President: Assists the President in the above as well as the Treasurer and Secretary in all of their duties.
Secretary: Maintains all of Flare’s records including stock lists, membership lists and the meeting minutes
Treasurer: Maintains Flare’s accounts including making payments, developing budgets and keeping accurate transaction records
Nominations should be sent to before Wednesday 11:59pm. NB you may nominate yourself or any other member of Flare, however all executive committee members must join the student union for 2010.
All those who stand for the executive committee will need to make a short speech regarding their ideas for Flare and the things they’d like to change, maintain and bring to the club next year, as well as to answer any questions the other members may have.
Sub Committee:
The 2010 sub committee positions will be decided by the newly elected 2010 executive committee with the guidance of the 2009 executive committee. For this reason we will be taking nominations on the night itself rather than in advance. However those interested in being a part of Flare’s committee should consider what type of position they’d be interested in taking. Suggestions for new positions are also welcome.
In 2009 we had the following roles as part of the sub committee:
NB: You can only stand if you’re present at the AGM so make sure if you’re interested in running you come on time and are able to stay until the end.
General Matters:
If there are any issues at all that you would like to see raised please email them to before Thursday.
Free Food:
This will be Flare’s last event for the year so come along and enjoy the company of your fellow 2009 Flarians one last time with the added bonus of free food and drink!
Looking forward to seeing many of you there,
Bronwyn Francis
Flare Dance Ensemble