Whoa this blog has been pretty dead ever since.. heh :)
but fear not! it is back and running! free from crazy 2% and 5% and 10% and sometimes 0% assignments and tests! well, at least for now.
But so far, Flare Dance Ensemble has been very very very very very very very active! Camp, gigs, mid review and preparation for our annual production-Maelstrom! (wheeee!<--- i promise i'm not crazy, i just like lengthening my wordssss)
I MUST MUST MUST tell you guys about the camp this year. BEST CAMP E-V-E-R. like for serious. really.
all i can say is: awesome company, awesome food (we never went hungry), awesome games, awesome weather, awesome bonding (campfire!), awesome making-fun-of-each-other (hello seizure girl Michele and pussycat hottie dudes) - basically all things awesome :D
Here! Some of the highlights from camp:
The never-ending, challenging rope course
P-A-N-C-A-K-E-S (i died and went to pancake heaven)
Dance workshops and Dance Game! (the videos are priceless, i tell you)
the most crazy, fun, lovable people you'll ever meet :)
thanks to our events manager, Michelle Yeo (aka double L), we had the most fun we've had in ages! thank you michelle! (especially for the Jai Ho dance ;D - just when you thought we were the only ones who were gonna be made fun of..)
For more photos from Flare Dance Camp 2009, click on this very clickable link:
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=111578&id=626895068&l=0354eace40 (i just figured out how to do this. muahaha. i rule blogspot.)
If you couldn't make it to camp this year, make sure you join us next year! I predict (because i'm psychic) loads more fun and laughter and rainbows and butterflies and unicorns! hahaha. i'm kidding about the unicorns. but Daryl and Jack can do a role play of Charlie the Unicorn :)
Stay tuned to read about our latest gigs and updates on Maelstrom!
Ng Bee Bee
Publicity Officer
Flare Dance Ensemble