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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Competition for Production Name and Theme!

Hey people! Working hard at dance rehearsals, I presume?
If you are working hard, good on ya! Just remember to start working hard for the exams too!

Anyway, as we all know, we're gearing up towards the production that is coming up in October. It's going to be such an exciting time, dancing with your fellow dancers through weeks and weeks of rehearsals, finding the most suitable costumes to match the dance, getting sores, bruises but yet feeling good about it, seeing 'Flare Dance Ensemble presents.." up on the Union House Theatre board.

Are you excited yet!?

Let's start kicking off things related to this year's production by first coming up with a NAME and THEME for Production! Think about something along the lines of inclusiveness, unity, cohesiveness, togetherness, etc because this is the sort of picture we want to paint about Flare this year. We are ONE BIG FAMILY! :)

Can you imagine how cool it'd be if YOUR suggestion got picked? You'd be a walking legend! So send in your entries to in this manner:

Name: (your name)
Title: (your suggestion for the Production Name)
Theme: (general theme for production as well as suggestions for how this theme could be expressed throughout the Production ie: if the name was 'animals' then each dance could be named after an animal, or all the pieces could have habitat backdrops like tree tops, or grass etc)
Inclusiveness: (How your Production name and theme expresses inclusiveness)

Yes! Of course there's incentive!!
The winner will receive a DVD of the Production as well as a Flare T-shirt!
Entries close Sun 8th June, so what are you waiting for? Get your thinking caps on!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Fun, Fulfilling Flare-filled Weekend.

Flare had Trivia Night on Friday!
It was a fund raising activity to raise money to cover cost for those expensive rooms that are booked for dancing. The turnout was great, thank you people for coming to support and also asking your friends along.

We had fun answering trivia questions, finding out bizarre new things we never knew, trying to get 3 lines of Bingo by dancing with as many people as possible, battling it out in the centre of the circle, etc. Feels good to see all of you having so much fun together! :)

We managed to raise enough to pay for about a month's worth of room bookings, so don't stop supporting Flare! Production is coming soon, Semester 2 Week 11!
Mark it down in your diaries!
Also, a bunch of us headed down to the Royal Children's Hospital to put up a short dance performance for them. Just like before, the kids blessed us more than anything else.

To see the little girl up the front jumping out of her seat and trying to follow the beat by bobbing up and down, priceless. To receive words of appreciation for the hard work we put in, priceless. To have the opportunity to use dance to bring joy to others, priceless.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Trivia & More!

The semester is coming towards an end.. and this will be the last event of the semester..


This is a fund raising event to raise money for room bookings. We all have a part to play in this, if funds run short, we'll all have to be crammed in small rooms. And that'll make us extremely unhappy dancers. So do
your part as a Flare family member and come join us. This is your big chance to help FLARE!

Corkman Irish Pub
Address: 160 Leicester street (corner Pelham street)- opposite law building
Date: 9th of May 2008
Time: 6.30 - 10pm
Price: $8
We'll be at Union House to sell tickets next week.
Tue & Wed (6 & 7 May) from 12 - 2 pm

Ticket includes:
entrance fee + limited finger food + 1 raffle ticket..
it's worth it! you're paying so little and getting so much!! not to mention the activities we've planned.. =)
Bring your friends along and let them experience FLARE..

Bring FIVE non-Flare friends and get your ticket free!
Tickets for your friends need to be pre-paid in order to claim this deal.